Notary Taxes

     The notary tax is only paid by the buyer in the transaction. The buyer can be a person or a company but the tax is the same. This tax is not constant and it depends on the value of the property bought. For example if the declared value of the estate is 10000 Eur the taxes would amount to 250 Eur meaning 2.5%, but if the value is 200000 EUR then the taxes would arise to 2000 Eur meaning 1%.
     Please check this calculator to see how much you would have to pay for your transaction. Notice that this calculator also computes the state taxes.

State Taxes

     The state tax is only paid by the seller in the transaction.
     If the seller is a person then the tax is depending on how long you have been the owner of the property:
         - Less than 3 years:
           a) Property value <= 200000 RON: 3% of the declared value;
           b) Property value >= 200000 RON: 6000 RON + 2% * (PV-200000 RON);
         - More than 3 years:
           a) Property value <= 200000 RON: 2% of the declared value;
           b) Property value >= 200000 RON: 4000 RON + 1% * (PV-200000 RON);
     Please check this calculator to see how much you would have to pay for your transaction. Notice that this calculator also computes the notary taxes.
     If the seller is a company, then they have to pay the profit tax of 16% of the profit made through the sell (selling value - buying value) and a special tax of 100 RON + 1% of the declared property value.


     The only comission is the one for the real estate agent that finds you the land to buy or the person to sell to.
     In this case the agent is us and we charge a 1% (of the property value) comission when you buy a property and a 2% (of the property value) comission when you sell it through us.